Thursday, June 29, 2023


Or, as we know her, Samantha.

Ice Cream!

Their favorite afternoon treat!

Cartwheels on the Beach

It’s been a while since Sam was upside down for a picture!

Nesting shore birds

There is no bush wacking here because the birds nest is tunnels they dig under the vegetation. The areas are closed so we had to stick to the rocks.

Kamaole Beach

This is the beach just across the road from our condo. We took the long way around to get to the ice cream shop.

We were not sure if we could get around the point without getting wet.

Sam was not deterred. She forged ahead.

We made it and stayed dry!

Moluaka Beach

This quiet beach is nestled between resorts and a private club. Since all beaches in Hawaii are public (you just can’t trespass to get there) and there are paths to them we enjoyed this one for a few hours. It was rated high for snorkeling but with a yellow flag warning and larger swells it was best for body surfing.

Hawaiian Ibex Goat

Feral goats that were introduced by the explorers so future sailors would have food when they reached the islands. 

There were loads of them including lots of babies. They are kind of cute!

Koa Forest

The trail wound through a Koa wood forest. We liked all the crazy trees!

The trees make nice seats.

Alix found a stick.

Coral Contrast

We enjoyed the contrast between the coral that washed up on the beaches and the black volcanic rock.

Ancient Site

There are all sorts of walls and mounds built out of lava rock. We thought this one was a house until we noticed that there is no door. So- we called it lava rectangle.

Lava is great for climbing

Blow Hole

We found a fantastic blow hole that spewed water. Every time a big wave rolled in it. It was a great show!

The Hoapili Trail

This trail winds through the lava fields at the Southern end of Maui. We hiked the rough terrain and otherworldly landscape and enjoyed the views and small beaches along the way.

Lava Fields

It feels like we went to another planet!

The road got narrower and narrower, winding through the lava fields and along the water.