Thursday, June 22, 2023

Food truck dinner

Hawaiian style- Hawaiian BBQ Chicken, Garlic Shrimp and Hawaiian Lemonade (lemonade with pineapple juice). Delicious!!

Banyan Trees

These are the coolest trees! The roots grow down from the branches and eventually into the ground to create a new trunk. They are everywhere along Waikiki beach.


Fast changing weather makes for incredible rainbows. This is the second in an hour!

Exercise on the Beach

Hawaiian style!

An island welcome!

So close to the license plate! 


And looking for the places they want to come back to tomorrow.

Welcome to Hawaii!

Waikiki Beach- a nice stroll after a long flight!

Who is piloting this 777?

The captain gave up his seat for her and then put her to work!!

Piloting advice from the pros. He started military then turned commercial.

They put her to work and she loved every minute of it!

Snack stop!

Trip treats are off to a good start!

Uh oh!

Huge thanks to Stacey from United for fixing Sam’s birthdate on her boarding pass. You would think her mother would know what year she was born!

Let the adventure begin!

A different type of trip for us. On our way to Denver for our flight to Honolulu. A short trip and less stuff in the truck relative to all the others.